Juice Diets For Quick Weight Loss : Diabetic ketoacidosis is a silent killer on the prowlhis deadly condition upsets the blood chemistry so severely that the patient's fairly life is threatenedtudies have shown that there are three high-risk categories of people who are more vulnerable to diabetic ketoacidosishe first category includes those who are seriously diabetic (Type 1)he second includes those who are severely dehydratedhe third includes those who have had large infections by bacteria or viruseshe rest of the population may possibly not be that much at risk, but make no mistake, just about efairlybody is on this prowler's hit-listuarantee you don't get your name up on that listhe word 'deadly' in the title, and the word 'killer' in the first sentence are not put there to scare you, but to impress on you that diabetic ketoacidosis is efairly a fairly critical, life-threatening conditionhe body gets its energy requirements from glucose, that's the result of digestionxcess glucose is stor ... [Read More - Juice Diets For Quick Weight Loss]
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